Sunday, 7 September 2014

14 games deleted in 21 days

Quick review of the 14 ios games I've deleted since 18 August. 

80 Days. Completed on first play. No desire to replay game.
Swing Copters. Insane difficulty.
Bike Baron. Boring
Wordrix. Boring
Star Realms. Text, graphics much too small for iphone. Too much luck.
Micromon. Like Pokemon without the good bits.
Motorsport Manager. Bored to bits. Didn't even complete 1 race. 
The King of Fighters '98. Virtual controls obscure action. 
Boxpop. Nice game. For about 30 minutes. 
Hextris. See game above.
Epic Eric. One dimensional puzzle action game. Hopeless. 
Glue Knight. Annoyingly difficult. Too difficult. Not fun. It was fun deleting the game.
The Quest Lite. Should have given it more than 10 minutes but got bored.
Starbase Orion. Cost £5.49. Gave it 3 hrs play. 4X games not for me.