Thursday, 10 July 2008

My Greatest addiction is...

Drinking mineral water.
It started when I was in University in 1996. I wanted a drink in a bottle that I could sip and re-seal. I've never been a big fan of fizzy drinks as I don't like the residual aftertaste of all those sugars and sweetners. I remember buying a brand called Ballygowan mineral water. I soon developed a taste for bottled water. I've never understood how people can say tap water and mineral water tastes the same. I can always pick up the flourides in tap water and it's a taste I don't like.

Starting to drink mineral water was one of the best things I ever did at University. I can't remember the last day I didn't have a glass of mineral water.
I've tried all of the major brands and there's not much difference in taste. Volvic is the most bitter tasting to me. I usally drink Brecon Carreg, Buxton or Highland Spring. Whichever is on special offer. Either £2.00 for 6 x 1.5 litre bottles or £1.18 for a 5 litre bottle of Buxton.
I take 1 litre of bottled water to work every day. I don't drink hot drinks at work. And I always keep a bottle of water beside my bed to sip during the night.

The one thing I think all hotel rooms should have is a "free" 1 litre bottle of mineral water.

When not drinking mineral water I drink fruit juices and the odd Coke or 7-Up. I find all fruit juices too sweet so I'll always add some mineral water to the juice - about 1 part water to 4 parts fruit juice. Tip: put the water in the glass first so that when the fruit juice goes in it mixes better.

Mineral water is my constant companion and I wouldn't want to live without it.
I'm so passionate about drinking water that I regularly support the chairty Wateraid. I know the money I donate makes a difference to people's lives. In the future I may look towards giving my time and energy to help hands-on with an overseas project.

Drinking mineral water is my greatest addcition. I love it!


Originally posted at:

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